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Fire Station Open House & Dedication

Thursday, July 16, 2015

On April 18th Frm Noon to 4:00PM the Mill Creek Fire Company wll be hosting an Open House and Station Dedicaton.  The event is open to publc. 

Parking for the event will be at 3900 Kirkwood Highway (Chambers Memorial Hall - old fire station).  Handicap parking only will be available at the new fire station.   Meet the men and women of our volunteer fire company.   Tours and food will be available.   Station dedication will start around 1:00 PM.


UPDATE – December 28, 2013

As of 5:00 PM our new fire station is fully operational.  From 7:00 AM and throughout the day a large group of our membership started the process of moving over vital operational material and equipment.  By the end of the day all firefighting equipment and apparatus had been relocated to the new station.  Administrative offices were cleared out, furniture and filing cabinets moved along with hose racks, hose, engineer room equipment, fire gear, supplies, etc. 

The old station will soon be cleared out of unwanted material and mothballed at this time.   Over the past few months several businesses and organizations have shown an interest in renting the engine bays/2nd floor area.  The banquet hall will remain and some planned cosmetic upgrades will take place.  

UPDATE – November 27, 2013

The building is coming to a close.  Waiting on the Certificate of Occupancy which is expected within the week.  Finishing touches to the electrical system.  Currently installing gear lockers in the fire and EMS bays.   Architect and builder along with committee will start creating a punch list of items that need to be finished or brought to spec.  Kitchen applicances have been installed along with some office furniture.  A thorough cleaning of the building is underway.  Finishing up security cameras and door lock system.  The move is being planned for fire and admin operations.


UPDATE – October 31, 2013

Only a couple of weeks away from project completion.  The engine bay floors have been painted and the expoxy sealer is being applied now.  Ceiling tiles are finished except for a couple of rooms and carpet has been installed.  Restrooms are completed with minor items being installed.  Painters will be going thorugh a second time to finish the top coat and repair any issues.  Electrical work is 99% complete.  Parking lot completed.  Landscaping completed.  Heating system has been testetd along with AC.  Planning on completing secuirty cameras and door lock system with volunteers.  Arrangements are being made now for inspections by NCC and Deldot. 



UPDATE – August 29, 2013

A base asphalt coat was applied to the parking lot around the entire building.  The top asphalt coat will be laid down in the next couple of weeks.  The concrete apron in front of the building is completed and all garage doors have been installed.   Landscaping was planted around the perimeter of the building with trees surrounding the parking lot to be installed later.  The interior of the building is getting is final touches.  Floor tile has been installed in the hallways, various rooms, etc.  Ceiling tiles are being installed along with the fire alarm system, overhead speaker system, building automation controls, door lock system, voice, video and data wiring, etc.   Ceiling fans have been installed in the bunk rooms.  Window sills and casework are next in line to be installed.  The kitchen cabinets are starting to go up.  Flag pole foundation has been installed with lighting around the pole.   All exterior lights on the building have been installed along with the parking lot lights.  All five engine bays are getting their final installations of electrical work.  The locker rooms and restrooms have been tiled (floor and walls).   DELDOT is scheduling for the new crossover in front of the new station.   Mezzanine will be starting soon with steel and concrete installation.   Construction end date has been moved up to November 1, 2013. 



UPDATE – June 20, 2013
Work continuing on the parking lot. Curb has been installed and grading taken place.  Most all masonry work has been completed including wall above radio room.  Painting has started in the offices, training room, TV room and kitchen.  Ceiling grid work for suspended ceiling being installed.  Concrete aprons in front of bay doors are being poured.  Locker / restrooms are getting ready for tile.  Roof is completed.  Garage doors and exterior doors are planned to be installed soon.  


UPDATE – May 22, 2013
Outside masonry should be completed next week.  Masons are finishing up the front of the building.  Most of the rough wallboard is up in and around all the various rooms.  Personnel are installing soffits in the training room and kitchen.  All outside glass installed around perimeter of building except for one or two locations.  Electrical feed to the building has been installed and activated.   Electrical conduits are being installed throughout the station.  Main CATV feed has been installed to the network room.  Wall insulation being installed.  Fire sprinkler system being installed.  Plan to start working on parking lot and curbs in the next week.  Excess dirt has been removed in front of the station.  Seam roof has been installed in various areas that overhang main roof.  Still on schedule for an October 2013 completion.  


UPDATE – April 10, 2013
Outside masonry is moving along well with all four sides getting block.  In a couple of weeks the outside block will be completed and the scaffolding removed as long as the weather keeps cooperating.   The roof is nearing completion also.  Once the roof is secured inside work involving the drywall will commence.  All metal studs have been installed.  Interior block work around the second floor area of the radio room and the mezzanine needs to be completed. Window frames will be going in soon.  Glass will be order.  HVAC duct work is nearing completion.  The building generator has been installed on its pad.  Interior trades are working everyday handling electrical, sprinkler system, plumbing, etc.  Some steel work still needs to be completed before the screen is placed around the siren tower which stands tall in the front middle of the building.  In a few weeks the outside parking lot will be graded and prepped for curbs, etc. New Castle County Council has approved the expansion of the building size from 19,999 square feet to 20,777 square feet.  The additional square feet allow us to maximize the area in the mezzanine for storage and other needs.  The building project is on schedule for an October 1, 2013 completion date  


UPDATE – February 5, 2013
Metal framing for interior walls moving along.  Most of all offices and bunk rooms are framed.  Working on locker rooms, mechanical, computer, storage, kitchen and TV room.  Training room partially complete. Masonry wall going up between interior rooms and engine rooms.  Block wall with finished texture on one side facing interior hallway.  Block exposure on inside of engine room walls.  Engine bays will be split.  Two bays on the Fulton Bank side and three bays (drive through) on the Dunkin Donuts side.  All walls will be block.  Between the two engine bays there will be the communications room center front, SCBA room, Engineer’s room, EMS storage, etc.  Above the center area will be some additional storage. 

The in-floor heating system servicing the engine bays has been installed.  A diesel generator will service the building’s electrical needs.     

A walking video tour of the interior area (does not include engine room) can be seen at:



Video Tour Narration - The tour starts in the back side entrance.  The training room is immediately off to the left, passing through the doorway heading down the back hallway which with open office area to the right and also the rear door.  Continuing down the hall way there will be offices for the administrative officers, fire and EMS officers, computer room, copier/mail room and ladies auxiliary room,   Exterior door immediately in front is the side entrance facing the Dunkin Donuts.  Turning left is the hallway for the bunk rooms and entrance to locker rooms/showers on the left side of the hallway.  At the end of this hallway is a door to enter the engine bay area.  Turning left down a short hall way toward the training room.  On the left will be the side entrance to the rest rooms.  Rooms being constructed with block walls are accessible from the engine room and will house mechanical, restroom, turn out gear room and storage.   The side hall way directly in front will be the training room (partially framed to the left) and turning toward the front of the building the TV room, and eat in kitchen.   Block wall on the right will have windows that look into the engine room.   Room directly in front next to front door (covered in plywood) will be the proposed fitness room.


UPDATE – January 19, 2013
The project is continuing on time with 99% of all steel constructed. Waiting on the installation of six (6) steel garage door headers. The following has taken place since the last update –

  1. In floor heating system for all five engine bays has been installed;
  2. Concrete has been poured for all five engine bays;
  3. Outside yellow board being installed around perimeter of building on three sides;
  4. Interior concrete block walls starting to form for various rooms;
  5. Parapet walls being constructed around perimeter of roof;
  6. Metal door frames are beginning to be installed;
  7. Roof decking is near completion;
  8. Water lines have been installed and completing service into building;
  9. Underground conduits for electric and communications have been installed;
  10. Utility pole next to Dunkin Donuts has been installed;
  11. Installing various rigid conduit inside block walls for electric;
  12. Glass Maltese cross has been approved;

Once all the yellow board has been installed a spray foam installation will be applied to the yellow board and the outside block will be installed. The trophy cases that would have faced in to the TV room will now face out into the hallway on the same wall. Proposing to expand the training room by two feet in length to provide more space and to align doors with an adjoining hallway. The work to expand the mezzanine area is moving forward. The process will be in front of New Castle County Council in March since the buildings footprint has been expanded over the 20,000 square foot size. The additional square footage (approximately 800 sq. ft.) will provide needed storage in the mezzanine area.


UPDATE - December 6, 2012
The steel structure is planned to be completed by December 14th, 2012. The building has now taken on a form of its own. All foundation work has been completed. Contractors finishing up installing all pipes below the concrete floor except the engine room. Foundations are backfilled. Working on laying pipes for water and sewer in the next couple of weeks. Block colors have been selected. Underground stormtech system completed. DP&L will be installing their utility pole in the next 30 days. Conduits to the utility pole will be installed soon. The fire company Maltese cross which will be installed on the center tower is in its final approval process. Project on schedule to be completed by the beginning of October 2013.


UPDATE - September 16, 2012
Ground clearing continues with sand added to bring the area up to grade. Foundations are scheduled for the first week in October. DP&L and Verizon will be removing their overhead lines in front of the lot. We are going to try and avoid any overhead lines in front of the new building. The Letter of Credit (LOC) needed for DELDOT has been finalized and Commonwealth Construction Co. (CCC) will be moving forward with the building permit in the next few days. Letters were sent out over a week ago to all neighbors bordering the project informing them of key contact names should there be any issues. Foundations to the old home and former State of Delaware Police Troop and Court 10 building were uncovered which was not a surprise to anyone. Bi-weekly meetings continue with CCC and Pacheco Ross Architects, P.C.


UPDATE - August 30, 2012
The construction loan was finalized on August 29, 2012 with Fulton Bank. They will be financing a portion of the construction of the new station. Soil erosion fencing has been installed around the perimeter of the project and a required gravel entrance was installed. Two large trees near the front of the property have been removed as well as a large tree off to the left side of the property will need to be removed. We are required to install new landscaping around the new building prior to occupancy.


UPDATE - August 25, 2012
First preconstruction meeting was held on August 22, 2012 with the architect (PRA) and general contractor (CCC) along with major subcontractors. A meeting with NCC was held on August 21, 2012 to discuss major tasks leading up to obtaining our building permit. Soil and erosion will start in the next week or so and we expect our building permit by the first week in September 2012. At this time there are no major changes to the project and everything is proceeding as planned. Ground breaking will be later in September.


UPDATE - May 26, 2012
We are currently working through all necessary government regulations, permits, surveys, etc. to build our new fire station. Our architect and civil engineers have finalized all necessary plans at this time.


Along with internal funds we have approved financing with a local bank. There were seven companies that had provided comprehensive bids on the project. We have selected the four lowest bidders and interviews have already taken place collecting additional detail on who would be the best contractor. By the middle of June 2012 the Board of Directors will review the data collected by the architects and a contractor will be selected. We are hoping to break ground by July 2012. Construction is expected to take less than 12 months.

If there are any questions regarding this project please feel free to contact Jon Stewart, President (

Individuals or companies interested in making a donation toward our building fund can send their donation to the address listed below: Mill Creek Fire Company New Building Fund 3900 Kirkwood Highway Marshallton, DE 19808




For over seven (7) years Mill Creek Fire Company has been planning to renovate and/or build a new fire station to replace our current station located at 3900 Kirkwood Highway. A committee was established to determine whether a renovation project or new building will best meet our needs. An architect was hired to perform a feasibility study and it was determined to construct a single purpose fire station to house our fire and EMS operations on the vacant land located at 3808 Kirkwood Highway. This location is approximately 500’ east of our existing building between the Dunkin Donuts and Fulton Bank.

Our existing building was built in 1955 and will remain and continue to operate as a fund raising facility/banquet hall. Our Ladies Auxiliary manages the 5,000+ square foot hall and conducts weekly bingo games, wedding receptions, meetings, parties, etc. Future plans to remove the two story section of the existing building are being reviewed in order to allow for more parking spaces. Additional improvements in the future for both the interior and exterior are being considered for the banquet hall.

Back in 1955, Mill Creek Fire Company moved from a small two garage building located at Greenbank Road and Jackson Avenue in Marshallton to their current location on Kirkwood Highway. During the past 55+ years a lot has changed. In order to provide the best in fire suppression, basic life support medical services and fire prevention we had to make a change and update our facilities for our volunteers and employees.

Some of the conditions we are working under –

1. The existing engine bay area is too small and has limited headroom and door clearances for today’s equipment height and serviceability.

2. Maintaining the existing engine bay is difficult due to the lack of storage for support equipment and clearance space.

3. The engineering and repair area is too small to do service work, store spare parts and organize the tools and equipment.

4. The existing engine bay is inefficient and costly to heat.

5. The drain system under the existing engine bay is outdated and requires regular maintenance.

6. The limited setback of the existing building requires pulling out into the highway to back vehicles into the engine bays.

7. Fifty years of maintenance and evolution has left the electrical, communication, and plumbing systems in the existing building inefficient and difficult to update.

8. The roof system on the existing structure has subsided, ponds water and leaks as a result and would be very costly to replace.

9. The existing structure has no showering and bunking facility for day/night duty crews required today.

10. There is no efficiency kitchen area that will allow crews to prepare meals and eat.

11. There is limited or little infrastructure throughout the existing building for data, communication and security access.

12. There is no dedicated decontamination/cleaning area for fire and EMS clothing and equipment – required for today’s firefighting standard.

13. The administration area in the existing structure is too small for all the various company officers to do their job in the heavy information and records keeping environment of today.

14. There is no handicapped access to the existing administration areas. This is on the second floor and would require an expensive elevator installation.

15. The new structure will have newer, easier to maintain interior surfaces.

16. Designing a new structure for today’s firefighting requirements is cheaper than adapting an older structure.

17. There will be less inherent compromises in design with a new structure than adapting the old structure to today’s requirements.

18. There is limited space on the existing property to upgrade the building and still have adequate parking and access.

19. Upgrading the existing structure would require temporary quarters (rented or built) for operations during the roughly one year construction time. This would not be necessary for new construction.

20. Moving the firefighting operations to the new location would permit the possibility of demolishing the engine bay area to allow for additional parking for hall functions.

21. Moving the firefighting operations to the new location would be less interference for hall rentals …and less hall interference with firefighting operations. Thus improving our ability to maximize our rental possibilities for the hall.

22. Esprit de corps and pride are an integral part of the energy that makes volunteer fire companies thrive and grow. A new, up to date, harmonious, easy to maintain and efficient facility goes a long way towards this end.

The building will be slightly less than 20,000 square feet and will be one floor. The building design will incorporate ample bunk rooms, training room, offices, kitchen, storage, locker rooms/showers, decontamination room, lounge area, mechanical rooms, etc.

Story By: Jon Stewart, President


Artist View - Right Side
Views: 2339
Artist View - Front
Views: 1974
Views: 196
Front of Building
Views: 370
Main Hallway
Views: 179
Main Hallway
Views: 171
Mezzanine Entrance
Views: 293
Views: 229
Engine Bays
Views: 486
Main Entrance
Views: 458
Back of Station
Views: 612
Training Room
Views: 201
EMS Bays
Views: 437
Main Entrance
Views: 184
Rear Office Hallway
Views: 157

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