
The Mill Creek Fire Company is a non-profit tax exempt organization "IRS 501(c)3" that is funded by donations from our community, appropriations from the State of Delaware, New Castle County and EMS billing. All these resources help us maintain state of the art equipment and services so we are prepared to respond to your call for assistance. Each year Mill Creek Fire Company sends a Fund Drive letter to our neighbors. We only ask for a donation by mail and never call your home.

You can make a donation to the Fire Company either by mailing a check or money order to the address below or electronically using our secure online donation system by clicking on the "Donate" button.

If you are making an electronic donation as part of our annual fund drive, please enter your account number (which can be found on the back of the return envelope sent to you) in the special instructions field on the payment form.

Thank you,
Members and Officers of the Mill Creek Fire Company

Mill Creek Fire Company
Fund Drive
PO Box 5034
Marshallton, DE 19808

Donations are processed through PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account nor do you need to use your PayPal account to make a donation. American Express, MC, Visa, Discover cards are accepted. Thank you

Contact Us

  Photo of the Day

  Event Calendar

Mon, Jan 20, 2025

Company Meeting

Mon, Feb 17, 2025

Company Meeting

Hall Rental